Movie Reviews,  Reviews

Hachiko – Dogs ain’t just pets, they are family!

Movie TitleHachi: A Dog’s Tale
Runtime1h 33m

Dogs are one of the most selfless beings ever! They are blessed with unconditional love which is hard for Humans to emulate. It’s a delight to watch them move around, making soft eye contact, wagging their tails with ears back, ready to be petted. Hachiko is a classic example!

Hachiko (Hachi: A Dog’s Tale) starts with a young boy giving a presentation at his School about his hero – a pet dog of his Grandfather. Thus begins a wonderful heart warming tale of incredible friendship and loyalty. Richard Gere stars as the music professor named Parker and Joan Allen as Cate, Parker’s wife. But the real star of the show is ‘Hachiko’!

Although the name of the movie is Hachi: A dog’s Tale, it’s popularly known as ‘Hachiko’. This is an adaptation of the 1987 Japanese film ‘Hachikō Monogatari’.

Hachiko is based on an incredible true story!

Hachiko is based on a real Japanese Akita dog born in Japan in 1923. A Professor named Ueno was his proud owner. Every day after work, the Professor would be greeted by Hachiko at a train station. After the death of his owner, Hachiko returned to the station the next day and every day after that for the next nine years until his death.

To honour him, a statue of Hachiko was put up in front of the Shibuya Train station in the spot where he waited.

Hachiko will melt even the strongest of hearts!

Hachiko, the movie is truly ‘a dog story’. The acting is great and Richard Gere gives a memorable performance. But the highlights of the movie are the Dogs playing different periods in Hachiko’s life. It was amazing to see the range of emotions conveyed through their facial expressions and body language. The background score was hauntingly powerful. Loved the way the movie explored the Dog’s point of view as well in black and white. The movie manages not to be melodramatic considering its sentimental plot of a Dog’s undying love for his master. The chemistry between Gere and the Dog is brilliant! The movie is emotional, profoundly touching and will stay with you for a long time.

Hachiko: A lesson on Love, Loyalty and Faithfulness!

Hachiko teaches us about unwavering loyalty. Be loyal to your beliefs, family and friends. Love them and be faithful to your loved ones – A very good lesson especially in the modern era of fast paced hectic life. Everyone is caught up in their own lives and have forgotten to socialize with others. Spread love, spend quality time with your loved ones and make memories!

Every Dog has a Hachiko in it. They just need to be loved!

As I am writing this, I remember the good times I had with my last pet dog Scooby. Like Hachiko, he was incredibly loyal, loving and caring. I miss him and have always thought that I could have been more caring for him. Having said that, I realize, it’s almost impossible to devote our lives to them like the way they devote themselves to us! Dogs are special!

I dedicate this blog to my Scooby.


Hachiko – Don’t miss this if you’ve ever owned a Dog! Watch the movie and go hug your Dog as I did then, with my Scooby. I wish I could’ve done that a lot more! A lot, lot more!

Hachiko is available on Amazon Prime video as ‘Hachi: A Dog’s Tale’.

Highly Recommend!

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Image source: IMDB
Video Credits: YouTube

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